
Showing posts from November, 2014

Understanding fevers as protective mechanism

Shaka Vansya Ayurved teaches that there is a flow or cascade of tissue development.  And that the most superficial tissues are the easiest to "cleanse" of toxins. When we nourish our bodies and minds the food we ingest is processed by the liver to make intelligent blood or plasma that then is carried to various parts of our physiology.  The plasma or white blood cells have two component or layers. One stays as plasma and the other is converted to the next layer or depth of tissue which are the red blood cells. And so the cascade continues.  The red blood cells then form muscle tissue which form fat tissue, then bone, bone marrow, reproductive tissue and finally Ojas the "liquid light" that gives us vitality and that healthy glow.  Below you will see the cascade. Rasa ( white blood cells or plasma)            Rakta (red blood cells - RBC)                          Mamsa...

pain from hot food

Recently a friend called about not being able to eat anything hot as it caused extreme radiating pain in the face and jaw. This person had a pure (sattvic) life style and was very conscious about choices he made for his health.  So the question was what could be the source of the problem. We chatted a bit and started talking about various Ayurvedic protocols for the head and face.  The conversation got around to "pulling" which is a procedure where one hold oil in the mouth first thing in the morning to pull toxins out - the oil is then spit out.  He had decided the Coconut oil was good. It seems everyone is talking about the benefits of Coconut oil these days.  As we continued to discuss the situation the thought came that possibly Coconut oil might not be the best choice as it tend to be clogging of channels - both physical and vibrational.  Possibly this was contributing to the blocking of pranic flow in the mouth and jaw and causing pain. Hmmm. Well what i...


Medhya mean memory in Sanskrit and Vaidya Mishra has created a glyceride drop which is called Maha Medhya. It is recommended that one be under the supervision of an Ayurvedic practitioner knowledgable in the SVA protocols when taking the HP or high potency glycerides. So working with someone who can recommend dietary and life style protocols that would support the SVA herbs. This formulation  contains a special blend of herbs known to support memory and good calm mental functioning: Bacopa (Brahmi, Gotu Kola, Jatamansi, Black pepper and Nutmeg However we should also remember that a brisk 30 minute walk improve circulation and strengthen memory. Yoga postures, especially inverted ones bring more blood flow to the brain. Good fresh food and following a good routine. I have a friend who's wife was recently diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's and he has he memorizing poems and phone numbers and she is improving. We also have her on Maha Medhya glyceride drops. One really...