Make a paste of Turmeric and Aloe worked for inflamed gums for us.
Gingivitis... we found a simple solution.
My partner was suffering from an inflamed gum for weeks and went to the dentist who seemed not concerned and said "If it gets worse let me know." Then the inflammation of the gum got so bad that his cheek started to swell on one side and he looked like a chipmunk on that side. We try to avoid antibiotics because we know that they play havoc with your micro-biome and it takes a long time to reestablish a good bacterial flora in the gut.
We went to Grandpa Google and looked at what had helped others with this problem. From the many suggestions what jumped out at me was TURMERIC and ALOE VERA.... Wow! both are very high in my esteem. And I also knew that Turmeric even though it is a wonderful medicine, it can be drying and heating. And immediately my intuitions said "Aloe is cooling and moistening, Let's combine them!"
That is exactly what we did. We put 2 teaspoonfuls of Turmeric in a small dish and made a paste my adding small amounts of Aloe Vera gel at a time until it looked like a nut butter paste...My dear partner then put that inside his mouth over the inflamed gum area for 10-15 minutes and then rinsed his mouth well spitting out the mixture. He did this twice a day. Within 24 hours the sense of pressure and irritation in the gum subsided and with 3 days the swelling was completely gone on the outside of his face. He continue to apply the medicine for a week and things corrected themself.
Hope you found this interesting and helpful... Pass it on so that others know that there are other solutions to gingivitis other than antibiotics.
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