
Showing posts from July, 2012

knee massage

If you are having trouble with your knees this is something easy to try. I had a friend who did it regularly for 2 weeks and saw a great improvement is lubrication and mobility. We are going to use the magic sesame oil that has been cured to increase it viscosity. Curing the oil mean that you take a good quality organic sesame oil and add 1 drop of water to it and then heat it - once the oil reaches 100 degrees celcius the water with start to crackle - stop heating immediately otherwise the oil will overheat and can burst into flame. Now cool the oil and  keep it is a sealed container for your massages. If using on the knees rub the oil into the knees round and round on the knee caps and also to the dimples behind the knees in a clock wise fashion. This needs to be done for 10-15 minutes twice a day for best results. I have seen some research that indicates that they can actually pick up the oil in the joint after the massage. Pacifies Vata which tends to be held in limbs and...

Ekadasha - gentle cleanse

There is an ayurvedic protocol that recommends a gentle cleanse 11 days after the new moon and full moon or 3-4 days before - however you see it.  This is not a fast but a day of light eating and rest - a time for rest and rejuvenation - a day when you are not at work but can take time to be easy with yourself and "do nothing". What a great idea!!! Doing nothing as an art has been lost in our culture. Just Being. Spending time your your Self. Gentle walks with the spirits of the trees. Letting the mind be free of clutter. Inviting guidance from the higher rhealms. If you already have a spiritual practice you can double up on this day. Doing some gentle stretches like yoga is also very beneficial. Now as far as the diet: on the evening before have a light supper  - steamed veggies on a light grain like quinoa would work. Then do a 20 minute oil massage and 20 minute soak in hot bathtub. Before bed it is recommended that we take Triphala tablets. You can soak them in water ...