
Showing posts from May, 2013

Hips, knees, ankles

Joint pain.  Hips, knees and ankles - those wonderful mechanisms that allow us to move gracefully through life. We can dance, do yoga, go hiking and bend down in gratitude in front of our alter. When they get inflamed or dry they let us know. What can we do to take care of them? We can massage with Sesame oil in a clockwise fashion. I had a friend who was schedule for knee surgery. She had been an athlete all her life and in her 40's her knees started to let her know they needed help. She regularly massage her knees with sesame oil for 10-20 minutes twice a day and after 2 weeks started seeing results and within a month she did not need surgery. Also there are various herbal glyceride and herbal formulations available that support the joints. Best to talk with your Ayurvedic practitioner for recommendations.