1/2 teaspoonful of Turmeric
Turmeric has so many benefits that now people are coming into the drug store and buying empty capsules and filling them with Turmeric and taking them as medicine!!! Wow you say. That is amazing, yes and no. Life is full of paradoxes. It is most important to remember that in India where Turmeric is a staple and considered a sacred herb, children are taught to eat with turmeric at a very early age. Here in the west, most of us only have turmeric in our food if we happened to end up at an Indian restaurant on a Saturday night out. That is a big difference. So if you start loading yourself with large amounts of Turmeric it will stimulate your liver to much and could send you into a detox crisis. What I have learned is that we can start small with 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoonful a day and increase it gradually over time until we are taking a full teaspoonful a day. I cook with turmeric daily so I get my allotted amount on a daily basis mixed with other spices and unctuous ghee or olive oil. Howeve...