Understanding healthy bones - cont'd
Let's continue our exploration of bone health. Osteoclast are cells that break down our bone and osteoblasts rebuild. These miraculous little bone factories are in our bone marrow. There has to be a balance between the amount being broken down by osteoclasts and being built by osteoblast. If bone breaks down too quickly then Osteopenia results which eventually leads to Osteoporosis. The osteoclastic break down takes about 3-5 weeks and blasts takes about 3-5 months to rebuild complete. What is the difference between Osteopenia and Osteoporosis. Osteopenia is when the bones have less minerals. That is the start of the problem and if the bones become less dense and more porous, that is much more serious and is called Osteoporosis. It really just a progression of the same problem. Mineralization is important but also protein and good quality fats are important in building bones according to SVA. When your are diagnosed with osteopenia you probably run to the drugsto...