Detox Soup

Harsh detox protocols can be very dangerous and many modern day toxins are "hot" or can burn the delicate fine channels of elimination in the kidney and other tissues.  Shaka Vansiya Ayurved teaches that there are 4 categories of toxins. Ama or undigested food that is sticky and cold and we need hot spices to eliminate this type of toxin. So ginger and pepper and fenugreek and other heating spices would work well. However once that toxin has been sitting around for a long time it becomes hot.  We might call it a "free radical" in modern scientific terms. Shaka Vansiya Ayurved (now referred to as SVA) calls this Amavisha.  This type of toxin needs a different approach to detox. Before moving the toxins out of the body we need to bind them with mucilaginous food like barley, okra, tapioca, arrowroot, taro root and others.  I find zucchini and other summers squashes are most readily available, even though they are not extremely mucilaginous.  Then you can start moving out the toxins.  Vaidya's formulations are available through  The next toxin is Garvisha or modern day chemicals which are also hot and finally the last is the EMF and EMR toxicity.  Electromagnetic frequencies that mimic the flow of life force but do not nourish.

So what is an easy way to eliminate toxins slowly so that you don't do more damage than before. Because toxins are often stored safely in our fat tissue and when we loose weight or detox they start to move and can settle in other tissues like out joints.  I like to use "Detox Soups" 

1. Barley with turkey or chicken soup, use your favourite recipe and add a teaspoonful or coriander and fennel.

2. Asparagus soup.  Chop up a 6-8 stalks or asparagus and cook in 1 cup of water with a bit of salt to taste and a teaspoonful or ghee, butter or olive oil.  You can add a bit of parsley. After cooking for 5 minutes until it is tender blend it and serve with a glob or yogurt.  Asparagus moves toxins out through the kidneys. That is why you smell it in your urine when you eat it.

3.  Kichiri:  For 1 serving use 1/4 to 1/3 cup of yellow Mung beans with a small tablespoonful or rice or quinoa cook with 1 and 1/2 cups water for about 20 minutes until the bean fall apart - might take 30 minutes. Then grate 1/2 a zucchini and add ( this will bind toxins) and a bit of carrot for colour and sweetness.  Add salt to taste at the end. You can make this thicker or thinner by adding boiling water. Depends on your preference. Thinner is easier to digest.


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