Energy healing is coming more into the forefront of alternative healing. I was recently at Banyan book. It's one of my favorite places to go and browse and see where my nose leads me. What caught my eye was "The Encyclopedia of Energy Healing" which decribed the various cultures in the world and their subtle perception of the energy body: everything from auras, chakras, meridians and more.

When I got to the section on Ayurved there was no mentoin of marmas which is the term Ayurved uses for the bioenergetic points in the body where prana or life force flows into the body. Maybe a good place to start with this subject is describe a dream of a friend of mine who came to the class on Marmas taught by Vaidya Mishra. In the dream he saw a person stretched out and all over his body were little lights. Shortly after that dream he was guided to the marma seminar. So marmas are points in the body where Prana or Chi flows into the physical body. They are like light switches. They are the switches of light or life force. Prana is commonly translated as breath,, it is the vibrational food for our body which we receive from nature. But prana also enters through the food we eat, the water we drink and just life in general. Many pranic healers can transfer prana directly. Just being around a loving kind person we feel our life revitalized.

I was thaught marma by Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra. The beauty of Vaidya Mishra's system of Transdermal marma therapy is that it uses herbs, aroma therapy and subtle vibration of the therapist who uses special healing sounds. So by moving the used up prana out of the body and and bringing in new prana through a very systematic time tested method, we are fortunate to be able to gently restore the flow of prana throught the nadis or vibrational channels to the organ systems where it is needed to support and transformation and balance that has gotten out of balance.

Vibrational energy has to travel through vibrational channels. There are major channels of prana are: Ida Pingla and Shushumna. Adhipati or master marma is the centre of the head where you feel some warmth. This is the soft spot in the baby. That is why the baby's head comes out first at birth because it will immediately starts receiving prana through the top of the head before they even take their first breath. We receive a lot of prana through this master marma at the top of the head.. Shushmna nadi, the vibrational channel in the spine gets prana from the adhipati marma at the top of the head and through the gaps in the vertebrae delivers the prana to all the organs and systems.

If you have any familiarity with Yoga you will have heard of these three nadis - ida, pingla and Shushumna but you may not have heard the term Kurma nadi - that is the nadi in the umbilical area. Whereas Shushuma nadi is likened to a snake, kurma nadi is likened to a turtle. These two communicate and transer energy to teach other in the root or perianal area. This is most important transfer of energy.

A typical marma treatment is very soft and gentle. Working on the hands and feet first with herbalized shea butter with essential oils. Then on the face and the 20 major marma points in the body. These are sometimes painful in people who's pranic flow has been blocked due to various reasons. Fibromyalgia is one such disease. It is a disease of pranic blockage. The prana is trying desperately to get through the bioenergic switches of the body so that the energy can move, that is the pain. A good adjunct to Fibromyalgia therapy is good clean diet and marma massage with herbal pastes.

Prana is like the sap flowing through the veins of a leaf - it must flow or the leaf will wilt.

So while we use diet and life style to treat various ailment in Ayurved, the students of Vaidya Mishra have the good fortune of having this simple gentle added tool to healing - the tool of Transdermal Marma Therapy that brings healing touch to a very high level as the herbs and oils are applied to the bioenergetic points in the body that bring prana to the various organ systems.


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