
Showing posts from April, 2013


Nutmeg is one of the best spices for increasing absorption especially in the small intestine. Adding a bit of cardamom and ginger work synergistically with nutmeg. It reduces Vata in the colon that can manifest as diarrhea and is one the best medicine for calming the mind. Taking 500mg ( that is about 1/10 of a teaspoonful in a warm drink before going to bed has been found to calm the mind and promote sleep. However taking too much can have a dulling effect on the mind. (source - The Yoga of Herbs - by Frawley and Lad)


The Japanese where first to use Serrapeptidase. It was an enzyme that was developed from the silk worm. The enzyme that the silk worm uses to get out of its cocoon. My experience with it is that it helps to dissolve scar tissue and swelling and bruising.  However it you to to the internet they also say it is beneficial for dissolving plague and for inflammation and pain. I have no experience with that.  Wikepedia says there are no clinical studies showing it is beneficial but if you are troubled with scar tissue interfering with functioning it is worth a try. I would start with 90,000 units once a day on an empty stomach about 30 minutes before your first meal. My last client who tried this had a scar on her fore arm with accompanying bruising that had been there for months. Within 10 days of starting on the Serrapeptidase the bruise and scarring were barely visible. She was extremely happy.

Abyanga Oils

Chandi markets two wonderful abyanga oils - for men and women. Rasayana Oil for Women and Rasayana Oil for men. Daily oil massage is recommeneded especially for Vata constitution with special attention to the limbs where Vata gets stuck. Vata is movement and what are we moving most? Arms and legs. Also there has been very good results with the new oils with Magnesium which support detox.  If you are being frugal you can add some cured sesame oil to the above oils.  Applying the oils and leaving them on for about 20 minutes and then taking a warm shower is an excellent way to balance the doshas and nourish while doing detox protocols. If you are new to the terminology "Abyanga" It means oil massage of the body. Long stroke on the long bones and circular motion on the joints. Head oil massage is also great. 

Spring Detox

On the 9th day of Navaratri Vaidya RK Mishra did a conference call on the Shaka Vansya Ayurved protocols for supporting the natural detox that occurs in the spring.  The channels (nadis and shrotas) open and start to flow.  You can here the call by going to his website but here are the highlights. When doing detox - we also need to nourish and also if the detox become to rapid when need to pacify it or slow it down.  For example if diarrhea due to excess bowel detox - we can use the "Rehydration Drink" ( from Chandi) to pacify the apana vata. Nourishing foods would include Asparagus soup ( especially beneficial for the kidneys) and white Diakon radish. Making a "Kichiri soup" which is ming dahl with rice. Also Kulki lentils would be very beneficial. Always good to add beneficial bacteria in the form of lassi drink which is 20% yogurt and 80% water. Including pre-biotic drops before taking the yogurt helps to stabilize the beneficial bacteria on the intestinal ...

Self-love and acceptance create health

Interesting statistics about breast cancer diagnosis "Over the past 30 years, an estimated 1.3 million American women have been overdiagnosed with breast cancer that posed no threat to their life. In 2008, an estimated 70,000 women were overdiagnosed with breast cancer in the US, which accounts for 31 percent of all breast cancers diagnosed that year According to Dr. Northrup, women who tend to be most at risk for breast cancer are those who have difficulty nurturing themselves and receiving pleasure. Nurturing self-love and self-acceptance is an important part of creating optimal health, especially for women Dr. Northrup’s Top 10 health tips for women include: getting enough sleep, meditation and positive affirmations, practicing self-love and self-acceptance, exercising regularly, breathing properly, optimizing your vitamin D levels, cultivating your social life, taking Epsom salt baths, and keeping a gratitude journal." from Dr. Mercola's newsletter. Dr Christi...