Spring Detox

On the 9th day of Navaratri Vaidya RK Mishra did a conference call on the Shaka Vansya Ayurved protocols for supporting the natural detox that occurs in the spring.  The channels (nadis and shrotas) open and start to flow.  You can here the call by going to his website but here are the highlights.

When doing detox - we also need to nourish and also if the detox become to rapid when need to pacify it or slow it down.  For example if diarrhea due to excess bowel detox - we can use the "Rehydration Drink" ( from Chandi) to pacify the apana vata.

Nourishing foods would include Asparagus soup ( especially beneficial for the kidneys) and white Diakon radish. Making a "Kichiri soup" which is ming dahl with rice. Also Kulki lentils would be very beneficial.

Always good to add beneficial bacteria in the form of lassi drink which is 20% yogurt and 80% water. Including pre-biotic drops before taking the yogurt helps to stabilize the beneficial bacteria on the intestinal walls. Also apana agni drops are balance to the colon.

Looking at the organs of elimination we can do various things to support the colon, kidney, sinuses and lungs. For kidney support Vaidya Mishra has a wonderful product in the form of a glyceride drop "Purnanava" also adding coriander seed into your soups and veggies.

Triphala is excellent for the bowels there is a special triphala for high pitta individuals.  If triphala is not helping on its own to create 2 bowels movements daily then we can add pineapple, papaya with a bit of prunes for enzymatic actions and a bit more support to clean out the colon.

Tulsi is excellent for lung support

Ida pingala oil and Nasya oil for the nasal passages.

Vaidya spoke very highly of "Moringa" which is a wonderful herb for getting into the deepest cells where toxins hide. It is available from Chandi as a soup mix, tea and drops.

For Garvisha toxins (heavy metals) the is now available a Garvisha Detox tea.

After meals there were recommendations of a fennel seed mix for Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
Vata 40% raw fennel seed, 40% toasted fennel seed and 20% toasted adjwain
Pitta 45% raw fennel seed, 45% toasted fennel seed and 10% cloves
Kapha 33% raw fennel, 33% toasted fennel and 33% toasted Adjwain.

Abyanga Oils also recommended - posting tomorrow

This is my first entry on detox - more to follow.
WArmly - please let me know if you would like to order and of these products


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