
When I am working at the drugstore in my capacity as a community pharmacist one of the common complaints that presents itself is people coming in to buy Tylenol ( acetaminophen) or Advil (ibuprofen) or Aleve (naproxen) for headaches. Of course there is also Tylenol #1 which is a mixture of acetaminophen, caffeine and codeine. I am always amazed when the same people come on a regular basis and buy upto 200 tablets.  I always say "Before taking a tablet for your headache be sure you drink 2 -8 oz cups of water and then wait 10 minutes."  It has been my personal experience that when I wake up with a headache, I am often dehydrated. I drink 2-3 cups of water which often induces a bowel movement and 99% of the time the headache is gone.

So before reaching for the tablet for pain be sure you drink that water. Also you might consider adding "Smart Water" to your daily routine. The herbs help to carry the water into the cellular systems. This is important because often the water we drink just goes out through the kidneys and does not penetrate the cells.  I have given the formula for hydrating tea in the past but here it is again. Boil 1-2 literes of spring water ( water that has lots of prana and preferably has not been chlorinated) and then add 1/2 to 1 teaspoonful of organic fennel seed, coriander seed, mint and a pinch of marshmallow root. Let it steep for 10-15 minutes and then strain and sip though out the day.  This wonderful tea stimulated many balancing functions in the body and I have seen it clear up problems that were diagnosed as very serious and needing pharmaceutical intervention.

The next thing I would like to offer if you have recurrent headaches is to look at your Magnesium levels. I recently came across a you-tube talk by Dr Carolyn Dean the author of "Magnesium Miracle".  Magnesium is a lacking in almost everyone and it is a very important mineral for heart and muscle function. Lack of Magnesium will make muscles go into spasm. Often muscle tightness can contribute to headaches, especially if the tightness is in the back, shoulder or neck area. It would not be a bad idea to try Magnesium supplementation if you have recurring headaches.

The problem is that Magnesium sources such as Magnesium oxide is only 4% absorbed and therefore stays in the gut and causes diarrhea. Magnesium citrate is a bit better and about 20% is absorbed. There are other form that claim better absorption. However one easy way is to get Magnesium through transdermal absorption by taking an Epsom salts (Magnesium sulfate) bath. The Magnesium is absorbed through the skin and does its job without causing diarrhea. There is also a wonderful product called Magnesium Oil and also Magnesium chloride solution can also be used for application to the skin and transdermal delivery of Magnesium.

More benefits of Magnesium to be discussed soon.


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