Why we should Not Eat AND Watch TV

Why we should Not Eat AND Watch TV

He always wore his Indian garb when seeing clients. He was representing a lineage unbroken for thousands of years.  And he was always late for his first client because he had to say all his prayers before starting healing recommendations.

She had been waiting impatiently. A busy woman with so many demands on her time. As she strode into the consultation room he could feel the tension around her energy field as she proceeded to outline her serious medical condition. He sat calmly looking at her with deep brown soulful eyes. “Please give me your arm,” he said. Placing three fingers on her wrist he went into a silent space where he found the knowingness.  “Other arm please.” He was still and meditative. She was tense and anxious. “Do you watch TV while you eat?” he asked.

“What?!!” she exploded. I just paid $150 dollars for a medical consultation because I have an autoimmune disease and you want to know my TV watching habits?”  He had met clients like this before. Sometimes he would give them back their money and say that they might want to find another healer. But at that moment he saw that she was intelligent and stressed and he had compassion for her so he started to explain and teach her about the reason for his question.

“Your gut and digestive organs are intimately connected to your brain. When you put something into your mouth, as soon as the food hits your tongue, immediately messages are sent to your brain. The brain then sends messages to the stomach, liver, pancreas and other organs telling them what enzymes to release so that when the food moves along the alimentary canal it can be properly digested and assimilated.  If you are watching TV or reading while eating, the brain gets confused and does not know how to handle the input.  The food then is not properly digested and toxins are created that poison your whole system.”

She was intelligent so she immediately understood. And, yes, because she was so busy with the demands of work the only time she had to catch up with the news was during supper. And usually, her lunches were business lunches where she was problem-solving or meeting new clients.  And, yes, she was willing to try anything because no one had been able to help so far in all her search.

After all was said and done, it was an enlightening consultation for her and worth every penny, because she had isolated the root cause of her condition.


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