Autoimmune diseases, Multiple sclerosis.

There is no question that autoimmune diseases are on the rise.  Diseases where our own immune system gets confused and starts attacking our own tissues rather than foreign invaders.  Our immune system is built to recognize, attack and dispose of bacteria, viruses, fungi and anything “not its own”  It is even able to remember what has been an invading organism in the past and create antibodies for future attacks.

So how would we explain that our own immune system starts attacking our body?  What has created the confusion?  I was inspired to explore this topic after reading Dr. Marianne Teitelbaum’s piece on Multiple Sclerosis.  According to Dr. Teitelbaum in this particular autoimmune disease of MS, she has unearthed several common causes for why the immune system starts destroying the myelin sheath on the nerves in the brain and spine.  Her work is primarily based on the ancient healing system of Shaka Vansya Ayurved.  This lineage of Ayurved was brought to the west by Dr. Rama Kant Mishra.  

IN Shaka Vansya Ayurved, the Vaidya or physician, wise man or healer has to go to the ancient Sanskrit texts and then look to the current environment and adapt that wisdom to the modern times.  There is no way that the ancient physician would have known that we are immunizing our children with over 60 invaders by the time they are six or that we would use a chemical sweetener called aspartame to satisfy our taste buds.  These are modern day occurrences that today's Vaidya has to incorporate into his methodologies of treatments.

In the past, let's say 2000 years ago there were none of the modern day chemicals that are now entering our bodies.  Most of the toxins were undigested foods, called AMA.  These were cold and sticky and could be removed by heating herbs and protocols.  However modern day toxins are hot.  Using heating herbs would only make the matter worse.  We need herbs that can protect the channels of elimination while we remove those culprits from various tissues and organs in the body.  

Dr. Teitelbaum has treated many Multiple sclerosis patients successfully.  What did she find were the common causes or “HETU” in Sanskrit. (Hetu - means more than just cause but all the various imbalances leading to the disease) First, there is aspartame, then heavy metals, MSG, parasites, Electromagnetic Radiation toxicity,  and low-fat diets especially in Vata body types who tend to be dry and need more unctuousness inside and outside (on the skin)

We will look at these individually in the next post and then continue with treatments.


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