Indian Vaidyas speak on Pandemic - 3

The third speaker takes a broader approach to understand what is the cause of this viral event. He also gives good tips for prevention.  At the bottom you will see  Q and A.  Hope you found this as fascinating as I did. I particularly like the answer to the question about vaccines by Dr. Rammanohar, who himself said that he had been vaccinated but had a breakthrough infection.  He points out at the end of the conference that there is good scientific evidence on research done in Britain and Switzerland that life style and diet are more important than vaccination in preventing infection.

Third Speaker: Dr N. N. Namboodiri


Many are gripped in fear and thinking about mortality and fear of future and their own life.

In CHARAK SAMHITA, the most important text of Ayurveda, there is one chapter about ADHARMA or not living in tune with Natural Laws.  

We see atmospheric pollution in cities like Delhi and other very congested cities, the industries and factories contribute to the pollution. In those congested cities the majorities of the people will have difficulty in breathing.

Air, water and the place (earth) is vitiated - causing disease.  When air is poisoned people will have difficulty breathing. When water is poisoned we do not know how much we can trust. Even out bath water. Bathing in chlorinated water, we do not know how it will effect the body. The congested atmosphere and lack of green plants and trees will cause congestion of the lungs  The lack of oxygen will effect the lungs and this will effect the digestive power, urination and defecation and indirectly the whole system will be effected.   

Why does this happen?  Because everyone is living to make money.  A balanced life is very rare.  Sleeping later and going to bed late, eating in untimely times.  This is ADHARMA or not living in tune with Natural Laws.  Therefore we need to bring a spiritual approach to our life.  Then we can get away from fear.

Get up during Brahma Mahurta - 3 hours before sunrise.(or at least 1 hour before sunrise)  This is the best time for the mind to be calm and intellectual power will be the best.  To get up early in the morning you have to go to bed early. Dinner has to be earlier.  Take minimum quantity of food.  Not following this will create various different diseases.

The COVID experience with many deaths in India and elsewhere. We can say that the main cause is due to imbalance of the living systems. Therefore the first thing you must do is get up before sunrise - therefore go to bed before 10!!!!!

If you feel heavy or drowsy - this shows that the food taken before has not been digested, sleepiness is also a sign that food has not been digested. The food taken the day before has not been digested.  Take limited quantity of food.  

Exercise - simple exercises - warm up limbs - Surya Namaskara - sun salute - gives movement to each and every joint. Sharira - is the body - this will give proper exertion.  Energy levels and digestive power will increase. And assimilation of nutrients will increase and stamina of the body will increase.  The person who does Surya Namaskara daily especially in the morning before or at time of sunrise - seeing the sun. Because of the total extension of each muscle and tendon and the mental focus needed, the intellectual capacity will increase and the sattvic power will increase.  The whole body will gain balance - but also mentally and spiritually.  The effects of this exercise cannot be overestimated.  Then add Asanas.  The person who does asanas - the strength of the body will increase.  The resistance to the disease will increase.

Shiv-asanas - from head to toes - gives rest - lie on back and be still be in restful state - mind and body.  If you are doing Shiv-asana observe your breathe.  This will make us more  resistant to disease.


  1. Q: Research on hypoxia. A: There are isolated reports. We need to work with clinicians who are dealing with severe cases.  However there is resistance from allopathic community. We need to cut through barriers. Some articles already published are now available on PubMed.
  2. Q: In the west there is a tendency to use single herbs and drugs but you Dr Prasad use complex formulations.  A; The important thing is the physicians analysis of the condition and looking for balance. Ayurveda focuses on the DHATUS ( tissues) and the DOSHAS (Vata Pitta Kapha)  Can therefore use single herbs or complex combination.
  3. Q: Ayurvedic textbooks do not say vegetarian is best. A: But when it comes to Hatha Yoga it talks about avoiding alcohol and meat.  Do you think a vegetarian diet is best?  ???  Answer - for a person who practices Yoga, vegetarian is most important.  The food needs to be eaten within 3 hours of preparation or cooking - if this is too difficult  you need to know that after that it become tamasic.  The increase of tamasic properties - this will increase fear and sadness.  When the taste is lost this is tamasic.
  4. Q: Is there a shared view on vaccination in Ayurveda - is there something that we need to do before or after vaccination.  Immunity modulating practices are there in Ayurveda.

Dr, Rammanohar: This is a tricky and difficult question to answer.  Previous vaccinations have had various effects.  This global vaccinating event is unprecedented and also we must know that not all vaccines are based on the same principles.  Most of the science we see now is based on small data.  Serious questions are being asked and we do not have good data.  Whether is vaccination is valid??? Some are saying it is invalid.  However we need to question whether it should be for everyone,  Vaccination should not be at the cost of HOST-CENTRIC approaches, increasing the strength of the host. 

 We are not in the position to stop vaccination.  There is no way we can stop the current inoculation drive, because it is politically driven.  How many people are having breakthrough infection should now be available to the scientific community but somehow this data is being withheld.

Historically there is considerable data that vaccination is not the best way to prevent infection. There is good scientific data on Britain and Switzerland and it shows that life style and hygiene are most important for prevention of infections.


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