From Drugs to Herbs

 I have been writing this blog for several years and realized that some people are now reading it that might not know me. Here is my story.

My story as a healer started early in life. At 15 my first job was as a care aide for retarded children. Then working at children's hospital in Winnipeg as a pharmacy student and after graduating as a Hospital Pharmacist working in large teaching hospitals in both Winnipeg and Ottawa. Four years into my career as a hospital pharmacist I had a rude awakening at work one day. As I was handing a large bag of medications to a man, I looked at him and in that moment "saw" that his mind and the stress in his life was the root cause of his "dis-ease".  That led me on a journey of studying psychology, becoming a teacher of The Transcendental Meditation Program and eventually getting a Master's degree in education from Maharishi International University.  I continued working as a community pharmacist and expanded my scope to include herbal medicine and Ayurveda.  Over the years I developed the ability to gauge when people were ready to integrate more gentle holistic approaches and reduce pharmaceutical intervention.  My offerings expanded greatly after meeting Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra and growing in the understanding of his lineage - Shaka Vansiya Ayurveda.  Using diet, daily routine, medicinal spices for cooking and Marma therapy I was able to see great improvement in people's health when they had struggled for years trying to find solutions.

Every once in awhile the Universe would nudge me into understanding the power of Nature and Her healing plants. It was a Thursday night and I was working at a big box store pharmacy. It was quiet. A woman walked in and handed me a prescription and said, "Please print out the side effects, I'd like to read them before deciding whether to get it filled."  This was very unusual. This was a document we handed out with the prescription. I followed her request. and she said," Why would I take this? This side effects are worse than my disease." In that moment my intuition said, "Recommend the herbal hydration tea, the one Vaidya Mishra calls smart water."  I did and was surprised that she was enthusiastic to try it.  I gave her the recipe and how to make it and said, "Use this for 2 weeks and then come back and I will give you further instructions."  An amazing thing happened. She came back in 2 weeks and all her symptoms were gone.  She ha been having 12 bowel movements a week and the doctors had been trying to diagnose her condition with no success.  The prescription was a bowel anti-inflammatory.  

Further explanation to follow tomorrow.😉


  1. Hi this is Sherry we met during a David B. weekend long event. Thank you for sharing your story and writings. Stay blessed 🙌

    1. Hi Sherry, Thank you for visiting my sight. I you have any questions please ask away! would like to know more about you.


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