Diabetes - kapha diet

In his book, "The complete book of Ayurvedic home remedies" Dr Vasant Lad recommends a Kapha pacifying diet and certain herbs for diabetes. Lets talk about the diet. Also the principles behind Vata Pitta Kapha and the 5 elements. Just as in Chinese medicine Ayurved sees our connection to nature through the 5 elements of Space, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. Vata being Space and air and therefore movement, Pitta being fire and water and therefore transformation and Kapha being water and earth and therefore structure. Therefore from this perspective diabetes is lack of transformative energy and excess of structural or earthy and watery energy.

How do we bring back the balance? The recommendations that come from Ayurved would blend very nicely with what you would here from your Diabetic Educator. By the way, if you have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes this is a resource that your must find and use. These are highly trained nurses that specialize in education. So a simple recommendation from both arenas would be to reduce refined carbohydrates and increase exercise. However Ayurved brings a refinement to the understanding of how and why. By using food as medicine we can balance the "Doshas and elements" in the mind/body and recreate health and vitality. Ayurved has extensive texts of the difference between a cabbage a zuccini and a chili pepper and their medicinal properties.

First lets look at grains. Rice and wheat increase Kapha - avoid these as much as possible and use Millet, quinoa, buckwheat, 100%rye and corn. Let look at breakfast - you could start with stewed fruit cooked with cloves. Not only would you cook with cloves but you might carry them in your pocket and chew one now and then during the day. Clove subdue Vata and Kapha and increase Pitta.

From "Healing Cuisine" by Johari ......"Cloves are an astringent, stimulant, an appetizer, a rejuvenator, an anodyne and and aid to digestion. They are good for the eyes, asthma, hiccups, colic, tuberculosis, and most diseases of the head. They quench thirst, help stop vomiting and cure coughs. Cloves cure bad breath of the mouth. They are a wormacide and cure fits of tympanitis caused by worms in the stomach and intestines."

Now that I have your attention about the benefits of Cloves - you will not hesitate to cook with them. A great way to start the day with with pear of apple cooked with cloves - you can add a couple of prunes for regularity. Enjoy. You can finish your breakfast with Millet cooked with Cardamom and cinnamon. Both wonderful herbs for balance and support.


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