Antibodies produced in Nostrils
Did you know that the mucous lining in your nose produces antibodies? This is amazing! We all know that the nostrils are an important first protection from environmental antigens (bacteria, virus, pollens, chemicals etc). The mucous moistens, warms and cleans the air that we breath. But is does much more than that. It produces the antibody, Immunoglobulin A.
Ayurveda has known of the importance of the nostrils, sinuses and oral mucosa for 1000’s of years. I get very excited when modern science confirms Ayurvedic wisdom. It shows me that there is some progress in the consciousness of the scientific community.
Recently a Michael W. Russell emeritus professor Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, wrote a scientific paper emphasizing the importance of nasal and oral mucous lining in the immune response.
He states, “Clearly the response of the systemic immunoglobulin G antibody (the most abundant circulating antibody) is important… we do not deny that … but on its own it is insufficient. He then underlines the importance of the antibody produced by the nasal mucosa immunoglobulin A (SigA) and recommends that more studies are needed on the mucosal immune response and the nature of mucosal secretory immunoglobulin A (SigA) antibody response.
Professor Russell is saying that is the reason swabbing the nasal mucosa is a good test for COVID is because the invading virus congregates in the mucous lining of the nose. He even goes so far as to say that possibly a nasal vaccine might be the answer to the current global crisis. There are groups doing research on this possibility.
However in the mean time let’s keep using our wonderful nasal oils specially formulated by Vaidya Mishra. Oils with herbs to increase the intelligence of the nasal passages. This will protect us from invading viruses, bacteria, pollens and invading chemicals. Click on link below to order TRIDOSHIC NASAL OIL
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