
 The colon is an intelligent organ.  As food is digested and travelling through the digestive tract or alimentary canal it reaches the colon.  The beneficial bacteria and fibre and water have to be in the right balance to create a stool that nourishes the lining of the colon as it travels done its journey to be eliminated.  

However sometimes this balance is disrupted for whatever reason and we can get diarrhea.  It can be a bacterial imbalance or sometimes toxins that are being eliminated are irritating the lining of the colon and they need to be flushed out.  In either case its not a terrible even if it is short lived and you maintain a good hydration of your body.

Please check the previous blogs of hydration teas. Also just taking some apple juice with a pinch of salt is a quick hydration drink.  The "pedialyte" that you buy in drugs stores is a blend of SODIUM AND POTASSIUM in water to replace the loss of electrolytes.  However if the person is vomiting and has diarrhea and is not keeping anything down, especially if they a very young or very old - then you need to rush them to a hospital so they can get hydrated intravenously.  But this is rare. Mostly people can hydrate themselves by drinking small amounts at a time.

Some food that is easy to digest is important at this time.  Years ago when working at the Children's Hospital in Winnipeg I learned about the "BRAT " diet for diarrhea. Banana - very ripe, Rice - over cooked and starchy, Apple sauce, and Tea - black. These things help to stop the diarrhea.  The starchy rice, the pectin the apple sauce, and the tannic acid in the black tea.  

Eat light, soup food, include the above BRAT foods and wait - this too shall pass.


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