
Showing posts from 2012

The Answer to Cancer

Cancer is a scary word. I prefer to say that "the cells are misbehaving". I few people in my close circle of friends are currently waiting for a medical opinion and tests to let them know if they have cancer. Firstly I need to say that we all have cancer cells and our own immune system cleans them up. Also there is a process call angiogenesis that bring more blood flow to areas that need growth. Anti-angiogenesis will then prevent blood flow to tumours. There are certain foods the promote this wonderful healing process. Asparagus being one of the best. Also I would like to introduce you to good books on prevention of "misbehaving cells":      The Answer to Cancer Is Never Giving It A Chance To Start by Sharma, Mishra and Meade      Cancer, Step Outside The Box by Ty Bollinger I am also exploring the benefits of "Polypores" once of which is called Chaga that grows on old brich trees that has been documented in Russia to have anticancer properties...

Benefits of Asparagus

For the medicinal benefits of asparagus click on link below. The article also sites several other vegetables that have high antioxidant properties such as beets, artichokes, spinach, arugula, turnip tops, radicchio. They also mention mushroom and bell peppers but in Shaka Vansya Ayurved mushrooms are considered tamasic or not life supporting and bell peppers being a member of the nightshade family can be neurotoxic.

Herbs for cough

Someone was asking me about herbs for cough today. Off course my favourite is Mullein. When my son was 2 and 1/2 years old he was coughing for about 3 months every winter. During a lecture I attended a woman stood up and gave a testimonial about Mullein  Her son, who was scheduled to have part of his lung removed took large quantities of Mullein and while waiting for the surgery for 2 weeks - during the pre-surgical exam found that the lung had regenerated.  So I tried it on my son and within days his coughs would stop.  I used to buy it in capsules and open them up and make tea - but now I pick my own Mullein as it is a common weed in most parts of western Canada - the aboriginals boil the roots for all kinds of bronchial disorders. However here are a few more herbs that my Ayurvedic herbal says are good for cough. Holy Basil or Tulsi, Calamus, Bayberry, Elecampane, lobelia, haritaki, peppermint, coltfoot, cherry bark and licorice. Have fun trying different combinati...

Triphala for Cataracts

Triphala compresses for cataracts is a recommendation from Ayurved practioners. As we age the lens of the eye becomes cloudy. Here is a link from a vision explaining the different kinds of cataracts and how modern science understands their formation and treatments. Basically the protein in the fluid matrix of the lens has to aline properly and intelligently and this allows the clarity of the lens to let the light pass properly to the optic nerve. When the proteins become damaged from a variety of reason as explained in the link the lens becomes cloudy and vision blurry. So we can crush a few triphala tablets or if we have powder available and make an infusion in warm water and then we use cheese cloth to make compresses for the eyes for 5-7 minutes once a day.  Chandika also makes a "Skin Clay" that can be used for eye compresses. I also have seen some beneficial effects for eyes with the herb "Eyebright...

Make your own spice mix

Turmeric's health benefits are well documented now and many "experts" are encouraging people to use it on a daily basis.  However like any powerful machine one has to know how to use it properly or you can have an accident. I have seen the accidents as a result of turmeric - overuse or improper use overheating the liver and causing all kinds of problems for psoriatic elbow to inflamed joints to mention just a few. So how is it best to use turmeric? Besides all its wonderful benefits Turmeric is also heating to the liver and drying. Therefore it needs to be cooked with unctuous substance like ghee and also cooling spices like coriander and fennel. So here is the recipe for our basic spice mix that is used when cooking lentils, chicken or fish and veggies.  Once you have made the spice mix it needs to be stored in a glass jar that is kept tightly closed so that the aromatic components to not escape. Also only make enough for 1-2 months - max 3 months. You want this fres...

Prescription on a plate lunch

What fun sharing sattvic (pure, nourishing uplifting) food with the like minded! Yesterday's cooking class was a great success with 8 of us around the table. As we gathered to prepare the food and pour our hearts into it, the energy in the room was joyous.  We started with the importance of hydration and "Smart Water" the herbal tea that has helped so many eliminate what seemed to be very serious problems. Here is the recipe again - to 1 to 2 litres of good quality spring water that is boiled then add: Coriander seed, fennel seed, marshmallow root, and mint - about 1/2 to 1 teaspoonful of each.  The quantities are not critical as really you are transferring the vibrational intelligence of the plants to the water. Once this has steeped for 10-15 minutes - you can strain or not and carry it through out the day in a thermos and drink. Sometime I just strain and carry in a water bottle and drink at room temperature - see what feels better for you. Then we sampled pear...

knee massage

If you are having trouble with your knees this is something easy to try. I had a friend who did it regularly for 2 weeks and saw a great improvement is lubrication and mobility. We are going to use the magic sesame oil that has been cured to increase it viscosity. Curing the oil mean that you take a good quality organic sesame oil and add 1 drop of water to it and then heat it - once the oil reaches 100 degrees celcius the water with start to crackle - stop heating immediately otherwise the oil will overheat and can burst into flame. Now cool the oil and  keep it is a sealed container for your massages. If using on the knees rub the oil into the knees round and round on the knee caps and also to the dimples behind the knees in a clock wise fashion. This needs to be done for 10-15 minutes twice a day for best results. I have seen some research that indicates that they can actually pick up the oil in the joint after the massage. Pacifies Vata which tends to be held in limbs and...

Ekadasha - gentle cleanse

There is an ayurvedic protocol that recommends a gentle cleanse 11 days after the new moon and full moon or 3-4 days before - however you see it.  This is not a fast but a day of light eating and rest - a time for rest and rejuvenation - a day when you are not at work but can take time to be easy with yourself and "do nothing". What a great idea!!! Doing nothing as an art has been lost in our culture. Just Being. Spending time your your Self. Gentle walks with the spirits of the trees. Letting the mind be free of clutter. Inviting guidance from the higher rhealms. If you already have a spiritual practice you can double up on this day. Doing some gentle stretches like yoga is also very beneficial. Now as far as the diet: on the evening before have a light supper  - steamed veggies on a light grain like quinoa would work. Then do a 20 minute oil massage and 20 minute soak in hot bathtub. Before bed it is recommended that we take Triphala tablets. You can soak them in water ...

Parkinson's disease

When Dr. Parkinson named the disease he saw it as a neurological degeneration. Now in modern medicine it is seen as a depletion of dopamine which is mostly produced by the Substantia nigra in the brain. This understanding makes it convenient to treat it with a magic bullet of a pharmaceutical drug that will forcefully increase the levels of dopamine. However as most neurologist will tell you the drug will only work at best for about 10 years and then the neural receptors will no long respond. Also is you go to to see a completely different understanding of what causes Parkinson's disease. This is based on the work of Dr. Janice Walton-Hadlock, DAOM, founder of the Parkinson's Recovery Project I have a very direct and personal experience with Parkinson's as m y late husband had the disease. And also I have personally worked on a woman in her 50's with Parkinson's using the Transdermal Marma System of Shaka Vansya Ayurved. The gentle massage...

Herbal Traditions

Every spring one of my favourite events is the Meadowlark Festival in the Okanagan Valley. I have been attending it regularly since 1996 when I moved to Penticton. This year I was fortunate enough to have close conversation with Richard Armstrong the knowledge keeper for the Okanagan nation and the Nsyilxcen language.  He teaches that our parents are the 4 legged creatures, the winged, the water creatures and also the plants. They are there to support us and also we need to honour and respect them as our very own parents. Also that we will be drawn to one of these parents more than others. Also just as every strand of hair is connected to our head, so also every living entity on this planet and even our whole universe is connected to the One Being and also interconnected to each other in that way. My own area of interest in plant medicine brings up an opening that is in the process of coming together. It stirs a desire to learn from the ancient cultures and their traditional know...

Bowel Health

Story tells it that the physicians of the Chinese emperors would check the eliminations every morning to keep an eye the the emperor's health. Ayurved recommend that we have a bowel movement on arising every morning because as the Agni ( transformative fire) increases as the sun climbs in the sky, we will then re-absorb the toxins from the large intestine. So, that morning Poop is important!!!!. What can we do to keep our bowel healthy? Good hydration. Start the day by drinking at least 2 cups of water you can add some lime or lemon juice so that it gives the liver and bile some support. Fibre. Exercise. Those are fundamental. Ayurved also reveres the herbal combination called Triphala. This is taken in the evening and by morning should have done its job by producing a healthy bowel movement. You can also soak the Triphala for several hours and then drink the water - this works very well. If you take too much you will find that you get nightmares. So do not over do it. The key ...

Rasayana Abhyanga Oil - helps lower back spasms

Spotlight on Rasayana  Abhyanga Oil for Women.  Sometimes a chance occurrence brings something new to light. A few days ago I was helping a friend garden and two days later the muscles in my lower back started to spasm.  It was going to be a long day and I would have to be alerts and on my feet most of the day. So I applied Vaidya Mishra's  Transdermal Deglycerated Licorice to my lower back and then did a full body Abhyanga putting special attention to my limbs. I put on my warm robe that I keep especially for when my body is covered in oil. I sat for 20-30 minutes, took a warm shower and all the discomfort in my lower back was gone and now 12 hours later - still fine.  What a great way to get rid of lower back pain!!!

Prescription on a plate

I have started doing cooking classes. So much fun! It is a great way to impart knowledge of the medicinal spices and what food are beneficial for opening up the flow of prana so that the vitality of the mind/body can be maintained. I make Turmeric take centre stage. Turmeric is the super spice that benefits: liver and bile, thickens and thins the blood when cooked in food, enhances complexion, reduces allergies, improves wound healing, improves digestion, boosts immune function, balances urinary system, enhances men’s fertility and women’s physiology by purifying the uterus providing a better environment for the fetus and also purifies mother’s milk. Coriander support kidney function, fennel cools the liver and helps digestion as does cumin. However these spices must be used in proper combination and cooked into food so that they and their essential oils may communicate properly with our enzymatic systems and neurotransmitters. Yes the intestinal tract produces neurotransmi...

Green Soup - prescription in a bowl

I came up with a recipe after watching the Mitochondria you-tube Ted talk with Dr. Terry Wahls who reversed her MS with diet (worth watching) I tested it last night. It was yummy. Green asparagus soup which I used to make with just asparagus because of its angiogenesis properties (look that up on google please) I have now added a few things. Here it is: 1/2 bunch asparagus, 1 stalk celery, 1/2 zuccinni pealed, 1/2 teaspoonful kelp powder, Soma salt ( good salt with lots of minerals from clean rock mines) to taste. Cut these all to 1 inch pieces so that they will fit in your blender or food processor easily. Saute with your spice mix and 1 teaspoonful of ghee. You can actually saute the spices first and then add veggies - but be sure not to burn the spices - just a minute or less to get the aroma of the spices moving. No these are not hot spices but cooling spices that reduce inflammation and support liver and kidney. Add just enough water - about 1 c or less. Cook for about 2 minute o...

deeper healing with comfrey for bones

If you have every broken a bones or sprained or bruised a limb or have inflammation in area you might want to try this. I would like to introduce you to my long time friend Comfrey or Boneknit. (Symphytum officinale). I would first like to say that this herb has gotten a bad rap - in that it can cause death through liver damage. I would also like to add that there have been many more deaths from other anti-inflammatory drugs and even tylenol. Enough said. Lets say you broke your ankle or wrist - easiest joints to poultice - or have bursitis in your shoulder or have tennis elbow. A comfrey poultice could help all these areas. I have helped several people by teaching them how to poultice the affected area with this mixture Take either comfrey root or leaf ( if dry soak it first) and blend it with equal amounts of aloe vera that acts as a carrier and also helps with any irritation that you might get from the prickly comfrey leaves. If you have access to Black Walnut leaves or tincture ad...

Hands inflamed and painful

I have recently met two men in their senior years who were having pain in their hands. In one man it was diagnosed as gout and in the other man it still is waiting for diagnosis. As we age our circulation become less and often our limbs are affected - so their is restless leg, and arthritic joints. The nutrient are not getting in and the toxins are not getting out. We need to address the whole person and not only the hand. How is their digestion, their life style etc. Are the physical channels blocked with Ama and Amavisha or are their chemical toxins that are intruding. Also if the persons spending a lot of time on a laptop or other computer or electronic devise, it might be that their nadis or vibrational channels are effecting the flow of energy to the limbs. So then the toxicity is vibrational and not physical.


In the previous post we spoke abut how EMF can corrupt our vibrational channels known as meridians in Chinese medicine or nadis in Ayurved. These very important channels allow energy to flow throughout are bodies. They can be clogged by effected by certain foods. Therefore if you are being effected with pain that seems to not have any obvious cause, you might have clogged your nadis with to many channel clogging foods. Here are some food to eliminate : large been ( garbanzo etc) eat only mung bean, red lentils and small french lentils, soya products of any kind like soya milk, tofu, winter squash like hubbard etc., fake cold cuts made with soya, banana, and nuts that have not been soaked. Also eating mindfully in proper quantities is important. Remember Hippocrates "Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food."

EMF Toxicity

Modern times have brought us challenges that were not there 100 years ago or even 50 years ago. With the advent of modern technology and laptop computer, iPhone, and all kinds of tools that are emitting electromagnetic frequency, our bodies are being challenged with exposure to EMF. These frequencies can be compared to "Synthetic Fibres" like polyester which looks and feels like silk but is not silk. Similarly these frequencies are similar to the bioelectric energies or life giving energy knows as Prana or Chi but is not. According to Ayurved the bioenergetic points of our body which take in Prana also take in EMF confusing our body and creating pain and feeling of lack of energy. If you are working on a computer your face and hands and upper body are continually exposed to these frequencies. Most doctors will not make this connection and will name your "dis-ease" as Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue or something that they have not been able to name as yet. However thes...